Is it considered a post if I just put up a video? (Can you tell that I love these?) Sometimes seeing gets through to me more than reading. I don't know why. Anyway, this video is like a "P.S." to my last post. It is an easy action step that people can take if you just don't know where to begin. I talk about it a lot. Trade as One...a christian, fair trade organization, who just like you and me wants to help with the issue of injustice. Their simple way is just by buying stuff that you would buy anyway...only this time, your purchase will change lives. I am currently making a list of ways that I can spread the word about injustice and then act on it to make a difference...a lot of the ideas are fundraisers. However, in the meantime, this way is the most "spontaneous" if you will. :) Instant action!! (Ok, so in the end I didn't just post a video. I knew I would have to say something. :) Oh, and keep in the back of your minds the following tentative dates for a film screening/fair trade/justice party (love the name? eek! Not very catchy..I will have to think about that one. Anyway! Friday, April 30th....Saturday, May 1st......Friday, May 7th..... or May 14th or 15th (a Friday and Saturday). The party would be from 7PM-9PM. ) Not sure if Fridays or Saturday work better for people. Let me know, even if it's just your opinion. Ok, back to what I was talking about....
When you go to trade as One's website HERE, be sure to click on SHOP and look at their cute little package deal there in the picture. It is a sweet little deal for these snowy days. Coffee, chocolate, adorable mug and an awesome book, Good News About Injustice written by Gary Haugen, the CEO and founder of IJM.
Now You Know
My 4 Loves
Join us as we continue on our adoption journey! We have three amazing biological boys and we brought home our precious daughter from Ethiopia in November of 2013. Life is a bit crazy at times with 4 young children, but who doesn't love a little crazy?
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Monday, February 22, 2010
Are YOU called?
So lately I have been thinking about how more and more people are educating others about human trafficking. It is all too lucrative of a business, but it seemed hidden for so long. So now that we are learning more about it, what's next? I have said this before, but when I really sit and think about it, I get overwhelmed and a bit hopeless thinking that there is no way to stop such a money maker. There are plenty of girls out there and plenty of men who want to take advantage of them. So do we all just give up ? Will praying even do anything? Well, I had the privelege of attending a meeting with a staff member from IJM. During this meeting, she pointed out many practical things. She reminded me that this isn't all about the specific "issue," it is about what God has CALLED His people to do since the beginning of time. This is not just her idea or what Christians say, it is evident in the Bible. I don't ever want to get caught up in just the issue. There are so many forms of injustice in our world (trafficking, slavery, sexual violence, etc.) They are all important and God does not ask us to pick just one that we feel drawn to and then ignore the others. My heart has been broken for those who are a part of sex trafficking, especially children, but even before this meeting I have been feeling God's calling to help seek justice for all who are suffering. Micah 6:8 spells it out as blunt as it gets, " He has shown you, O people, what is good and what the Lord requires of you; but to do justice, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God." It is right there in His word. He has shown us what IS good and what is REQUIRED of us. Not, do it if you feel like you can handle it...because I don't think many of us feel like we can. I know I don't. I can't. Not on my own anyway. Basically, this meeting explored many scripture verses that show God's heart toward injustice and his commands to us. So as I get overwhelmed, and you may too, we have to have faith that God is aware of the evil in this world and He is using us to make a change. Just a reminder....God never calls us without equipping us first. I don't know why I sometimes don't fully "believe" that. I know He will....we see it over and over in the Bible. He equipped all that he called. " Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified;do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go." Joshua 1:9 So I am getting educated...good first step. Next step is to explore and take some action. I am still planning on having a fundraiser/jewelry party in May (whether this is held at my church or just at my house is still unknown), but I am learning that there are more and more ways to help. I am looking into this currently through IJM, but there are many other organizations that are looking for volunteers. God has called us ALL to seek justice. Now it is up to us to trust that He will equip us as we take the next step. I would love to hear of some organizations and practical ways that you may be helping out. Check out some of the ways to take action below.
HERE are some action steps through IJM.
HERE are some action steps through Polaris Project (click on the "Take Action" tab for more)
HERE are some action steps through History Starts Now (my good friend, Rachael, is the co-founder and program director. It is such a great group.)
HERE are some action steps through IJM.
HERE are some action steps through Polaris Project (click on the "Take Action" tab for more)
HERE are some action steps through History Starts Now (my good friend, Rachael, is the co-founder and program director. It is such a great group.)
Saturday, February 13, 2010
I Love LOVE!
Ok, so it's Valentine's Day (almost). I have always loved this day. When I was younger, my dad would would always get me a card, some candy, and a piece of jewelry to celebrate. It was his little silent way of telling me that he loved me. He was my protector and I knew it without him even having to say a word. I actually don't remember him telling me the words, "I love you," that often, but he really didn't need to. His actions made that truth evident. When I got married, my husband took on the role of "being my valentine." (He has done a great job by the way). We usually celebrate by going bowling, rock climbing, renting a movie, or just getting some ice cream. Now that we have kids, I try to get them involved in this day too. They are my little valentines! We bake cookies for Daddy, make him cards, and write notes on all the mirrors around the house telling him why we love him so much. Even though Valentine's day has turned into a way for retailers to make a ton of money on ugly heart jewelry and boxed chocolates, I still LOVE the idea of setting aside a day to tell or show your loved ones how much you love them! I guess having felt love from my dad, friends, husband, my boys, and MY GOD I never really sat down and thought about not knowing love. I can't even imagine. Young boys and girls around the globe have such a warped view of "love." How can you know true love if you were sold by your own parents? How can you know true love if your protector (AKA pimp), abuses you and allows others to do the same without conviction. The only true hope today for these girls is God's love. I pray that He reveals that love to them and that even in the midst of their circumstances that they would know that God loves them and that his people (that's us!) are starting to help in any way we can. We should all know what it feels like to be loved. It is so comforting. I strongly believe that these girls will SOON know what true love is. First from Jesus Christ and eventually from a loving husband. Show some love this Valentine's day! Appreciate those you love and those that love you! We are so blessed. Also, be constantly thinking of ways that we can show love to an unloved group of people. If you have any ideas, I would love to hear them!
Monday, February 8, 2010
My Money Does What?
Voting this week for Holly's Love 146 fundraiser made me want to "blog" about something I have thought about in the past and you probably have too. Where does all the donation money go? Holly and her husband are donating to an organization named Love146 that is fighting to end child sex trafficking. So what does their money really do? This post stems from my curiosity. When I first got involved in researching and wanting to make other people aware of these crimes, I wanted to help make a change. So I decided to just start by donating. BUT I didn't know where to give or what "they" would do with my money. I have explained in previous posts what the Hagar Project, Rahab Bazaar, and Nightlight (products sold through Trade as One website) do with their money. Read HERE for details. Another organization that I love is International Justice Mission. They focus much of their work on the legal end of social injustice (of all kinds), not just child sex trafficking. There are so many countries that have corrupt law enforcement and legal systems. This is when it is necessary for organizations like IJM to step in in order to make any change possible. Most of these organizations...such as IJM, Love 146, World Vision, History Starts Now, etc. depend on donations to "spread the word" about sex trafficking, pay for the resources needed to build and execute cases against these traffickers, and finally fund the aftercare projects set up to rehabilitate these chilren and young women when they are rescued. So much "baggage" comes with being rescued. It would be unfair to simply remove them from the bars and brothels without helping them form a "normal" life. With all of that said, every little bit counts. The abolitionists in these organizations do more than we know. They need our little or large donations in order to raise awareness, legally rescue girls, and then for aftercare. Thank you to everyone that voted through Holly's blog this week. Each vote made a difference! :) Keep checking back for more ways to help! Easy right?
Just Vote! It's that Simple! "Spread the LOVE, Spread The WORD"
It couldn't be any easier! In my last post, I mentioned that my friend Holly was going to be starting a fundraiser for children caught in sex trafficking. Well, today is the day! All of the details can be found HERE. (Background info, rules, prizes!) The best part is....all you have to do is VOTE on your favorite "web card" designed by Holly (an awesome photographer...look HERE) and SHE will be donating $0.50 to Love146. Love146 is another great organization that is working towards the abolition of child sex trafficking. I urge you to take 50 seconds to place your vote (and that is it!) You will also have the chance of winning some really COOL PRIZES. There is really no reason NOT to vote if you ask me! :) The hardest part will be choosing which "web card" you like the most. They are all so creative. Happy Voting!
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Solutions Exist
Thinking about human trafficking just overwhelms me. I don't see an end or that any solutions exist. When those thoughts flood my mind I am instantly reminded to PRAY. Even though we don't live in Cambodia, Thailand, Haiti, or any other country where this crime is "accepted," we do live in America where we CAN stand up for those who don't have a voice. We can do it in simple ways, like my friend Holly will be doing next week with a fundraiser that YOU can be a part of (more to come on that in a few days). Or we can be a part of IJM's (International Justice Mission) Advocacy Days. Both of these are simple solutions that can help make others aware of this GROWING problem and hopefully make a change. I will be letting you know more about Holly's FUNdraiser (easy, simple, and fun-fundraiser next week). Also, watch the 2nd video below to find out more about advocacy days through IJM and let me know if you might be interested in getting involved!
IJM - Reality of Human Trafficking from International Justice Mission on Vimeo.
IJM 2010 Advocacy Day from International Justice Mission on Vimeo.
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