Now You Know

Now You Know
My 4 Loves


Join us as we continue on our adoption journey! We have three amazing biological boys and we brought home our precious daughter from Ethiopia in November of 2013. Life is a bit crazy at times with 4 young children, but who doesn't love a little crazy?

Saturday, April 28, 2012

And the grand total is...

$1,204.99!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Today was our yard sale (in NJ) to raise money for our adoption and I can easily say that I am more tired than I was after birthing any of my 3 children. It was an exhausting day, but we were so blessed by so many people. We got to see friends from high school, growing up, and friends from PA! Everyone helped us out more than they probably know. The entire day was packed with laughing, wheeling and dealing, and moments where I just looked around and wanted to cry knowing that everyone was sacrificing their time to help support our adoption.

I am too tired to write more, but here are some pictures from the day. All in all we had a great blessed. :)

                                    The house before the sale....just one room.

                                      Wheeling and dealing! (Ronnie's watches)
                                            A view of the clothes area.
                                        My dad....totally stressed.
                                                 Faith....the MVP.
 Derek. Supporting his wife and mother-in-law as they shopped using his money.
                                                      Tessa shopping!!
                                               Lori- Our supplier of goods.
                                                 Ha, love her face here.
                          Wow, this customer loves the item he is purchasing ;)
                                         Some baked goods made by Janice!
                                                     My Africa bags! :)

                                         Jessica and Faith - 2 faithful friends!:)
Kristen and Mark....traveled from PA to support (and HELP) us!


Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Treasures for Sale!!! Saturday April 28th!

The day is almost here! Our first fundraiser for the adoption! We have been collecting, loading, unloading, cleaning, organizing, and pricing for a few weeks now. When I go into our basement, it looks like we have done none of the above. :) Oops, how is that possible, ha! On Friday we will be loading up as much as we can and driving to NJ where we will continue to organize, clean, and price the items that are taking over my parents' house. (what we can't fit will be used for the May 19th, PA Yard Sale).  I LOVE IT!! So many people have been so generous and have given us some pretty great stuff!!!
      Now that we have some great buys for Saturday we need some BUYERS!!! Right now the weather for Saturday is cool and sunny.....perfect yard Sale-ing weather. So tell your friends, family, co-workers, a stranger at Starbucks about the awesome yard sale taking place THIS Saturday (8am-2pm) on York Street in Old Bridge, NJ!!!!! (The whole block is having yard sales, so even better!!!)

Here are some of the things that we have collected. More items are at my parents' and at my in-law's houses.  (Oops, Josh's blue ball is not for sale. I need to make sure their toys don't get thrown in the pile that day or we will have tears!)
       Here are some more awesome things that we have been given. We had a great black dresser/changing table, but I put it up on craigslist and it sold that day!! WOOOHOO!!!

 If anyone wants to come out and help, that would be great too!! The more hands the better. :)  I am so excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, April 2, 2012

April 28th- NJ Yard Sale!

Ok, New Jersey, here we come! My original plan was to have our Yard Sale fundraiser (for NJ) sometime in June. BUT the street that my parents live on is having a "Block Yard Sale" on APRIL 28th, so obviously it makes more sense to have the sale then! This also means less time to collect stuff from everyone!! If you live in PA and said that you have things to donate, I want to set up dates soon that I can get that from you. :) I will be taking anything that I can over to NJ first and then whatever is too big or doesn't sell in NJ we will try to sell again in PA (on May 19th). Feel free to email me if you want to get rid of it now. Otherwise, I will be sending out an email soon to anyone that told me they have stuff. NJ FRIENDS: if you have junk amazing items that you no longer need ;) LET ME KNOW! The less I have to transport from PA, the better. :) Please let me know through email or facebook if you have stuff. It doesn't have to be could be clothes, baby clothes or baby items, toys, purses, decorations for your house that you don't use, throw pillows, comforter sets....all that stuff is great. :) I went through my house (for the 3rd time) and found more stuff...crazy how much I have collected along the way and just don't need. (Since I totally forgot it was there). If you don't have stuff to get rid of, I would still love to see you on April 28th!!! :) It will be fun!!

    Along with the Yard Sale, there will be delicious goodies at our BAKE SALE!!! When I started thinking about this yard sale, I told Dan that I pictured lots of items for sale, people having a good time, a bake sale going on, and that Dan did what he usually does...looks at me like I'm crazy and tells me that's great but to reel it in. :) As I thought about it more, I realized that I am not a great baker and realistically I wouldn't have time to be baking before the yard sale anyway. About a week or so after Dan and I had our little conversation, my mom's good friend Janice called me on my cell phone. She asked me if I would consider having a bake sale along side the yard sale AND that if I wanted this SHE would do all of the baking!!! I love how God cares about the little things that we care about!

All that to say....I am looking forward to April 28th in NJ and May 19th in PA. I think that we are going to have a lot of fun, raise some money together for our adoption, and get to share with others about God's love for ALL and how that love spills out of us so that we can therefore love others...even those that we do not know. So let me know if you want to help! :)