One afternoon in March (I want to say the 28th?),
I was cleaning the kitchen for third (or hundredth) time that day and stopped
dead in my tracks. I am not sure how to explain it, but I had this overwhelming
feeling that something important just occurred in your life. Were you just
conceived and forming in your birthmother’s belly? Or was it your birthday? Did
you just lose your family to a disaster, poverty, or HIV? Were you abandoned on
this day? There was no way of me knowing at that time, but I had to just stop
and pray for you and whatever might be taking place. A few days later, I was again in the kitchen
when my mom called. She said that she just had to call because she had this
feeling that our child was just born or conceived or that something big just
happened. My heart stopped. Could the last
week of March 2012 be monumental in your little life? Whether it is or not, it
was an eye opening time that reminded me to continue to pray for you and
whatever you may be going through each day. Your brothers pray for you each
night that “Jesus would bring you food if you are hungry,” “hold you if you are crying,” “and that Jesus would take care of your
boo-boos.” I couldn’t say it any better.
We are anxiously waiting to know more about you and welcome you into this
family. In the meantime, I am confident that Jesus is filling your belly,
rocking you to sleep, and healing all of your wounds. We love you.