Things have been moving right along with our adoption. I can’t
believe that we applied one year ago!! We sent in our application on Jan. 10,
2012. I have to say that it has been a busy year and really hasn’t felt
like we have been waiting that long. But now that things have slowed down, and
we are settling into our new house, I have a feeling that “waiting” might be a
little harder in 2013.
Well, the beginning of every month brings us a new number. I
am excited to say that we are in the teens!!! Number 17! I thought that
December was going to show little to no movement, but 9 children were matched with their forever families and we actually moved 5
spots. YAY!!!

Recently, we also received news that we were approved for a
$2,500 matching grant through LIFESONG FOR ORPHANS. Our goal is to raise this
and more by February 11, 2013. As our “wait list” number gets smaller and
smaller, the reality of the cost gets bigger and bigger. If you feel led in any
way to support our adoption financially you can give a tax deductible donation
through Lifesong for Ophans and they will match your donation dollar for
dollar! Pretty cool, right?!
There are two ways. Donate online HERE or by check. A check
should be made payable to Lifesong for Orphans and indicate preference
Videon / #3022 adoption on the memo line.
Send check to: Lifesong for Orphans PO Box 40 / 202 N.
Ford St Gridley, IL 61744 7b.
*100% of all funds received by Lifesong for Orphans go
directly to cover adoption costs. Nothing is taken out for administrative costs.
I know that not everyone feels led to help financially.. .but
what I would LOVE is for your prayers. Prayer is so powerful and I know how BIG
our God is. Here are some things that we are currently praying about:
1. Finances-
upcoming referral fee and then the flights to Africa for Dan and me (twice) . J
2. Our
biological children- that God would prepare their hearts for their new sibling!
They are excited, but I know that whenever a new sibling comes there can be
mixed emotions. ;) Also, pray that God would prepare them for when we are away.
3. The
birth mother- I pray that she would find salvation if she doesn’t already have
a relationship with Jesus. I pray that she would be blessed for choosing life
for her child.
4. Our
child that we don’t k now YET J - pray for health, safety, and attachment at home
5. Smooth
Process- like any adoption, it is likely that there may be bumps along the way.
Please pray for a smooth rest of our journey!!!
6. 6.
And finally PATIENCE while we wait. J
Thanks you so much. We covet your prayers more than anything
else. I am confident that God will provide anything else we need along the way.