So the plans are getting a little clearer. The key word is LITTLE. I am thinking about a film screening event for women. :) I don't think that we all grasp the reality that these girls live. Therefore, seeing it on film will really open our eyes. So, the thought is to view a film on hman sex trafficking and then have an opportunity to help out! What better way to help than shop?? It sounds easy to me. So this is the general plan. SOOO many more details to be worked out. BUT one of the things I have to know is WILL YOU COME??? I am thinking sometime in May. I hope that you will! I will leave you with this quote from the book, Not For Sale. " We often look at heroes and think, 'I so admire who they are, but I could never do what they do.' The truth is that a heroic path usually begins with a humble act that opens a gate into a new universe."
Here is a little clip about of the "producers" that makes the jewelry that Trade as One sells on their website and will be sold at the film screening event. :)
Now You Know
My 4 Loves
Join us as we continue on our adoption journey! We have three amazing biological boys and we brought home our precious daughter from Ethiopia in November of 2013. Life is a bit crazy at times with 4 young children, but who doesn't love a little crazy?
Friday, January 29, 2010
Monday, January 25, 2010
And Now Haiti...
Well, maybe I shouldn't say and "now" because it has been going on for years over there. I remember 2 years ago when my husband went down to the Dominican Republic he came home and told me about the slavery taking place in the D.R. and Haiti. Many Dominicans had Haitian slaves! I was shocked because I had not heard much about modern day slavery at that point. I also didn't know that any of it was sex slavery. NOW, more than ever, Haiti needs help. They need it in many ways after the earthquake, but with countless children walking around with no home or adult to protect them, human traffickers are salivating with the thought of fresh "free products" at their fingertips. Like these kids haven't already been through enough. Honestly, I just want to call up Haiti and have them send me all of the children that need homes and let me take care of the rest. Ok, so maybe I can't do that. I just feel hopeless knowing that this doesn't have to happen. I have a link below (which you may have to copy and paste, sorry) that tells a little bit more about this. Please read it until the end (it is short) but it is eye opening. Pray for Haiti, pray for these innocent children whose lives are about to change even more, and again as hard as it is (believe me I KNOW) pray for these traffickers who are destroying so many lives for the love of money.,2933,583709,00.html,2933,583709,00.html
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Got 5 minutes?
" All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men (and women) do nothing." Edmund Burke
Praying for Pimps?
So as I think about raising funds for these girls (and boys), I am constantly praying for them. I cannot imagine what they are going through, what they are thinking each time they encounter a new "client", and how in the world they will recover if and when they are rescued. Recently, I was reading my Bible and BAM, a verse that I was reading really stood out. Now, I know that it was written by Paul to the Christians in Colosse, but the principle can be applied to these pimps too. "Once, you were alienated from God and were enemies in your mind because of your evil behavior. But now he has reconciled you by Christ's physical body through death to present you holy in his sight, without blemish and free from accusation." (Colossians 1:21-22) There is a part of me that doesn't care about these men and women that force girls to be sex slaves at such young ages. However, there is another part of me that knows that God (somehow) loves them and died for them...just like all of us law abiding citizens. As I continue to pray for these girls, their families, and abolitionists, I am going to commit to praying for all of the criminals behind this "business." I pray that their eyes will be open to what they are doing and the hurt that they are causing. God can do amazing things. This is by no means beyond his capabilities.
Monday, January 11, 2010
My poor husband. For months now, he has had to listen to me share depressing story after depressing story about the unfortunate life of those caught up in the sex trade. He agrees though that as depressing as it is, it is real and something needs to be done. So that is where my ideas start flooding in and he just laughs. I think I have had at least 10-15 "great ideas" about how to "do my part." Some of them are unrealistic for anyone, some cannot be done right now with two small children at home, and some are POSSIBLE. This is where my brain overloads. Where to begin? What EXACTLY to do? Where to do it?? So maybe you can help. I wanted to think of a way to help that would be fun all at the same time. So, literally, with God leading the way through other people (which I will explain at some point) I have been led to the idea of a shopping fundraiser of sorts. Let me start by telling you what I imagine...I picture a day where people can come and learn about modern day sex slavery and how it is growing across the world. (A time of gaining knowledge!) During this time, I also picture tables and tables of goods produced by girls that have been rescued or have escaped this lifestyle. This is where we would all be laughing and buying all kinds of cool jewelry, bags, shoes, etc. knowing that each purchase is helping a girls stay out of the sex business and supporting her family. Have I said that through these businesses, girls are also given emergency aid, child care, tutoring, and biblical teaching? They are being "saved" in so many ways. So it is a win win...we get great buys and they get a chance at a new life! (They win in the end with that). :) Here is the deal though. I have looked into this, and I through Trade as One I can hold a Gift Fair. BUT this is usually done at a church on a Sunday. That is fine, but I would LOVE to open it up to more than just my church. I have so many friends and family that don't live near me or attend my church. I envision this on a Saturday so that anyone can come. Where would this be held is one dilemma. The other is how would I get the word out there??? Typically, Trade as One "advertises" by having the pastor talk about it on a Sunday and following the service, people can buy items. Hmmm, what to do?? ANy ideas?? My other "avenue" to follow is on a smaller scale. Remember when your mom had Tupperware parties? Or now Pampered Chef, Silpada, Southern Living, etc? A HOME PARTY! BUT we would be buying these fair trade items instead (while still being informed about the need out there). That is another way to go. I think I will definitely do that one (so expect an invite!) but I don't want to give up on my first idea. I just need fresh minds to steer me in the right direction. HELP!! :)
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Trade as One Favorite Items...for today!

Ok, I love these two items. I think the bracelet is so sleek and the bag is really cute. I just thought that every now and then and I would post different items I like from Trade as One. These two items are both $39 each. The bracelet is from the Nightlight Producers and the bag is from Hagar. Happy Shopping! Anyone you know having a birthday coming up?
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