Well, maybe I shouldn't say and "now" because it has been going on for years over there. I remember 2 years ago when my husband went down to the Dominican Republic he came home and told me about the slavery taking place in the D.R. and Haiti. Many Dominicans had Haitian slaves! I was shocked because I had not heard much about modern day slavery at that point. I also didn't know that any of it was sex slavery. NOW, more than ever, Haiti needs help. They need it in many ways after the earthquake, but with countless children walking around with no home or adult to protect them, human traffickers are salivating with the thought of fresh "free products" at their fingertips. Like these kids haven't already been through enough. Honestly, I just want to call up Haiti and have them send me all of the children that need homes and let me take care of the rest. Ok, so maybe I can't do that. I just feel hopeless knowing that this doesn't have to happen. I have a link below (which you may have to copy and paste, sorry) that tells a little bit more about this. Please read it until the end (it is short) but it is eye opening. Pray for Haiti, pray for these innocent children whose lives are about to change even more, and again as hard as it is (believe me I KNOW) pray for these traffickers who are destroying so many lives for the love of money.
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