Now You Know

Now You Know
My 4 Loves


Join us as we continue on our adoption journey! We have three amazing biological boys and we brought home our precious daughter from Ethiopia in November of 2013. Life is a bit crazy at times with 4 young children, but who doesn't love a little crazy?

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Film Screening Party!!

Ok, before my plans start changing again, I am going to have this party. The date is set, Saturday, May 15th. I was thinking recently and talking to my friend Jessica and totally realize that this is a VERY busy time of the year. I can easily count 6 people that I know that are having babies right before this event, BUT i know that if I don't at least TRY to do this, it may never happen. So even if it is just me and one other person, it will be worth it. The great thing about this party is that it isn't a fundraiser. What?? Yeah, that's what I said. Originally, I was in "fundraiser mode." BUT after a lot of prayer and thought, my new plan emerged....which is a lot less pressure to start out. (Fundraisers will be in the future...and they will require more help, so maybe you can help me??) So anyway, about this party in May.
Instead of holding it like a typical jewelry party, it is going to simply be a film screening with lots of food and chatting and if you feel led to purchase something from Trade as One to help girls who were trafficked or others who are now working for a fair trade company you may. If you just want to view the film and take some information to pray about and think about, that is just as good!! I want this night to simply be the planting of a seed. Just learn, learn, and learn. I am hoping that some people take the information and start their own "action steps" about making others aware of some of the injustices happening under our noses. So that's my little plan. So I hope that if you can come that you will.

Oh, did I mention that it will be at my house? I may have said that in a previous post. It is official now!!! Let's start small and see what God does from here. :) Here is a trailer for the film, At the End of Slavery from International Justice Mission. (It is a short film, so there will be lots of time to hang out too!)

Did I mention that when you bring a friend you can win a giveaway prize? So just bring one friend and you could win a yummy (fair trade) treat or a cool piece of jewelry (of course another fair trade item).

1 comment:

  1. I think I will be able to come. It is on my calendar! I think it is so wonderful that you are doing this! I think that if you were teaching right now, you wouldn't have ever had the are home for a reason!
