Wow, I think that I update this blog every my head. Too bad I can't just send my thoughts through the computer! There are so many things that I think about writing and just never get around to it. So finally, I am going to write about one of my recent thoughts (spurred by a new advocate friend). The topic of pimps. I have written about them before. Basically, that post was about praying for pimps. Which sounds weird, but really, if their hearts can be changed (and I completely feel that they can) than this issue wouldn't be here. Anyway, there was some celebrity hype recently between Demi Moore and Kim Kardashian. You can read the article HERE. The whole "argument" happened over Twitter and centered around the use or misuse/overuse of the word pimp. Which got me thinking. At first, I read the article and thought, "What's the big deal? People say pimp all the time. Pimp my...everything." But that IS the problem. We are so desensytized to the word that we really aren't thinking about the true definition of a pimp.When I was teaching, several boys dressed up as pimps for Halloween. What are we doing??? It is scary that we know what a pimp is and what they do to women and young girls, but because we glorify the "character" of a pimp in songs, movies, T.V., etc. we begin to forget the REAL lifestyle behind the word. Totally made me sit and think.
This is a little bit random, but still on topic. (This is totally the "just clicked" section). So as I was thinking about pimps, I remembered my highschool senior class trip to the Dominican Republic. The trip was amazing. We stayed at a place called Casa de Campo. It was beautiful....basically a dream for 55 eighteen year olds. (Yes, we had a tiny class). Anyway! One night, at one of the boys' houses, a real pimp knocked at the door offering services to the guys. Of course he was turned away (I am assuming first by the chaperone), but we all laughed about it for a long time. I didn't even think about how sad that really was. Not until the past few years did I learn that the Dominican Republic has a huge sex trafficking ring. What if that girl was there against her will?? I can't believe it now that I think back on that.
Well, going back to earlier. Pimps are real. They are lost and they need Christ to change their hearts. Here is an interview with a pimp. There is really nothing cool about pimps after hearing his experience in that lifestyle. I wish that someone would write a song about true "big pimpin" and show what really goes on.
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