Now You Know

Now You Know
My 4 Loves


Join us as we continue on our adoption journey! We have three amazing biological boys and we brought home our precious daughter from Ethiopia in November of 2013. Life is a bit crazy at times with 4 young children, but who doesn't love a little crazy?

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Time to Move Mountains

Today has been hard. I feel like we have been running a marathon for almost 2 years and we are running the last mile up a steep hill. I am tired, physically and mentally.

We got news today that the birth mother of our daughter cannot be found. This is important because in order to clear us to travel, the U.S. Embassy needs to interview her one final time. Our agency has been working hard to look for her, but with no success. A police search may need to be done, but that will just prolong our wait.

My heart is so heavy today and I need God to carry me through this one. I know that Jordyn will be with us soon, but at this point, I am tired of waiting. My prayer today (and tonight) is for a miracle. I am asking God to soften the hearts of the Embassy workers and allow them to clear us tonight based on the paperwork and former statements they have from the birth mother.

This morning, I received this discouraging news from our agency and a few minutes later the song, "Mine to Love" started playing while I was doing a return in J.C. Penny. I seriously almost lost it and I think the cashier would have been a bit confused. So, I saved the cry for Starbucks with my sister-in-law and brother-in-law. Seemed to be a better time for a public cry. ;)

           ("You are the answer to every MIDNIGHT PRAYER...we have all been waiting on you...")

                                        OK.   Where is my tissue box?????

I am on my knees today and asking God to move the mountain in front of us. Please pray with us today and if you are up in the middle of the night, please pray again!!! The embassy is open from 12:30am-10am EST. We are not the only family experiencing delays, so please be in prayer for all of the families that are just waiting anxiously to bring home their children. We are ready and they are ours to love!

Did you ever see the movie "Blood Diamond" with Leonardo DiCaprio? Dan and I watched it the other night. I hadn't seen that movie in years. Anyway, he is talking to a journalist and she just seems shocked by his response to the way things are going in Africa. To him, it is just the way things are. And to be expected. He just says to her, "TIA." This Is Africa. I am taking TIA and changing it a little. Now it means, This Is Adoption. Unpredictable. But, it is the way it is. I knew that from the beginning, but I am not sure you can fully prepare yourself for it.

I will keep you posted on any news that we receive. Thank you!

I may have already posted our video of meeting Jordyn, but I just wanted to watch it again. In case you did too, here you go. ;)

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